Friday, July 15, 2011

That's why it's called evolving...

So we bought our land--not exactly where we had planned--but, it fits us right now. (We've learned to live our lives with a less rigid long-term plan.) It's in the Midwest, but in a beautiful organic/progessive community that has more to offer than we ever hoped for.

The rain and water situation are plentiful (my husband's biggest concern). The land is perfect for off-grid living (passive solar, growing food, etc.) and the closs-knit community brings a sense of peace and a great deal of knowledge.

This came as a huge help when we got out of our car the 2nd weekend there and were swarmed by biting gnats!! They seemed oblivious to the all-natural, home-made bug spray that kept them at arms' distance last time. It was beyond annoying--torterous some might say. Luckily, the perrenial friendly and knowledgeable staff at the local co-op had just the remedy--vanilla extract! Yep-we slathered that cookie-dough smell all over & it worked!! Not a single bite--even after sweating and working 9 hours/day in the woods. Aahh--the little things in life...

It made clearing dead trees and cutting Tarzan-like grapevines almost fun! Honestly, it is exciting to see the land transform everytime we're there...the dream is beginning to manifest.

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